LIVE-WEBCAST: Ein Grundrecht und seine Grenzen: Das Versammlungsgesetz im Fokus – Rechtsrahmen und aktuelle Judikatur zum Versammlungsgesetz (A Fundamental Right and Its Limits: Focus on the Right of Assembly Law – Legal Framework and Current Jurisprudence)
Together with Georg Gassner from the Vienna Police Directorate (Landespolizeidirektion Wien, LPD Wien), Michael Ibesich will conduct a webinar for the Academy of Lawyers.
The seminar aims to provide an overview of the legal foundations of the Right of Assembly Law and current jurisprudence. Practical case studies and decisions will be discussed to illustrate the application of assembly law in practice. Participants will gain practical insights into this socially relevant topic.
The seminar will take place on 04 December 2024.
All further information can be found here.
LIVE-WEBCAST: Das Sicherheitspolizeigesetz: Sicherheitsverwaltung, Befugnisse und Rechtsmittel (The Security Police Act: Security Administration, Powers and Legal Remedies)
Together with Georg Gassner from the Vienna Regional Police Directorate (Landespolizeidirektion Wien, LPD Wien), Michael Ibesich is organizing a webinar (in German) for the Lawyers’ Academy (Anwaltsakademie).
The aim of the seminar is to give an overview of the security administration and the organization of the security authorities and the guard body Federal Police. In addition, selected security police tasks and powers will be presented in a practical manner. The legal protection instruments for those affected by the measures of the security authorities will also be discussed.
The seminar took place on 11 May 2022, 21 March 2023 and 26 February 2024 . The next date is 24 February 2025.
All further information can be found here.
LIVE-WEBCAST: Disziplinarrecht der Beamten (Officials Disciplinary Law)
This seminar (in German), which Georg Gassner and Michael Ibesich are organizing jointly with the Lawyers’ Academy (Anwaltsakademie), is intended to provide an overview of the basic official duties under the Officials Disciplinary Law (Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetz, BDG) and the course of disciplinary proceedings against federal employees in practice, as well as to introduce the authorities involved.
The webinar took place on 10.4.2022.
Preparatory courses for the Austrian bar exam
Together with Georg Gassner Michael Ibesich organizes preparatory courses for the Austrian bar exam. You can find all information at