SPG - Sicherheitspolizeigesetz
Together with Mag. Georg Gassner, and Matthias Metzl, LL.M., LL.B., I have written a book on the Austrian Security Police Act (Sicherheitspolizeigesetz, SPG), the Directive for Interventions by Members of the Public Security Services (Richtlinienverordnung, RLV), and the Weapons Use Act (Waffengebrauchsgesetz, WaffGG). The book provides an up-to-date and compact overview of the aforementioned laws.
It contains tables and graphs as well as numerous practical examples. Control questions at the end of each chapter facilitate the understanding of this area of law.
The book is ideal for exam preparation for police and law students. It is a perfect introduction not only for students but also for practitioners, especially those starting their careers.
Our book is available in the LexisNexis online shop.
Sanctions Against Russia And International Arbitration: Four Questions And Answers
Starting in late February 2022, the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, and others have imposed far-reaching sanctions against Russia and Belarus. In connection with these sanctions, legal questions arise regarding the impact of these sanctions on arbitration proceedings. For example, whether sanctioned parties can take disputes to arbitration or whether arbitral awards can be enforced against a sanctioned person. This article addresses four questions in this context.
You can find the article on the website of mondaq:
Sanctions Against Russia And International Arbitration: Four Questions And Answers
Seven More Years! The Principal Witness Rule in Austria - Extended and Revised
As of 1 January 2022, the principal witness rule applicable to certain criminal offenses has been extended for seven more years by the Austrian legislator to allow for its further evaluation. In addition, slight adaptations to the rule have been introduced. The principal witness rule applicable to antitrust law has been amended as well.
You can find the article on the website of mondaq:
Seven More Years! The Principal Witness Rule In Austria – Extended And Revised
The New Austrian Warranty Law – An Overview
As from 1 January 2022, a new warranty law will apply in Austria to contracts that come into effect after that date. Per Neuburger and I have prepared a summary of the most important changes.
You can find the article on the website of mondaq:
The UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules – Six Questions And Answers
On 19 September 2021, the Expedited Arbitration Rules (EAR) of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) entered into force. Per Neuburger and I answered six questions about the new EAR:
You can find the article on the website of mondaq:
The UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules – Six Questions And Answers