Who is involved in the process?

  • Parties:

The parties to the enforcement proceedings are, on the one hand, the creditor seeking enforcement and, on the other hand, the obligor, i.e. the party against whom enforcement is sought.


  • Court:

Enforcement courts of first instance are always the district courts, which always decide as single judges. They are responsible for the enforcement as well as for the approval. Certain first-instance tasks are performed by so-called Rechtspfleger (judicial officers).


In the second instance, a 3-judge senate then takes action, and in the third and final instance, a 5-judge senate.


  • Enforcement bodies:

The enforcement bodies (i.e. bailiffs) act as auxiliary bodies of the court employing them. In carrying out their activities, they shall comply with their scope of activity and the orders given to them by the judge or judicial officer.

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