School project "Violence and Hate - Prevention at School: The Vienna Bar Association Educates!"
The Vienna Bar Association, in coordination with the Vienna Directorate of Education, has launched the school project "Violence and Hate – Prevention at School: The Vienna Bar Association Educates!".
The prevention initiative is aimed at all Viennese schools from the 7th to the 9th grade.
The goal of the project is to educate students about the legal situation, especially on the threshold of criminal responsibility. Punishable acts are explained and the possible consequences are pointed out.
I am happy to be part of the project and to give lectures at some schools in Vienna.
IBESICH supports the "Austria Prison Tour 22" by Diana Ezerex
Diana Ezerex is a musician and initiator from Karlsruhe. As part of her first tour, she played not only in clubs or cafes, but also for the first time in a prison. Fascinated by this parallel world she started to process her impressions from the prisons in her songs. This resulted in her debut album "My Past’s Gravity", which was released in 2021.
Diana Ezerex has been performing regularly on a voluntary basis in prisons in German-speaking countries since 2017.
In 2022, several concerts in Austrian prisons are planned. I am happy to support Diana Ezerex in the realization of these concerts.
More information about Diana Ezerex, her projects and her music can be found on her website:
(Source of biographical information: